2025 is the year of the revealing of Yahweh

The Spirit of the Lord says, 2025 is the year of the revealing of Yahweh in the earth. The Lord says, my church, you are deceived. Like the Laodicean church in Revelation 3, you think you are rich, yet you are poor. You think you know me, yet you have seen me only in a glass darkly. You have yet to see the reality of who I am says the Lord. You have seen my reflection and interpreted it in your own image. Yet in this season I am bringing the reality of who I am back into my church.
The Lord says, my church, this is a year of decision for you. I am removing deception and revealing myself, and there is grace to come out of false forms and ideas of me, and to step into the true knowledge of God. I am calling you out of the traditions and ways of man, and into truth. The Lord says, many will see me in truth, and yet decide to choose to follow the comfort of the traditions of man. This year of decision will cause division between those who choose to walk in truth, and those who choose to stay in deception.
The Lord says, the enemy’s plan is to hold you back from transitioning by trapping you in comfort, affection, emotion, and soul ties. The antidote is Spirit-empowered courage and intentional steps offaith. The Lord says,
Buy from me gold refined in the fire, so you can become rich; and white clothes to wear, so you can cover your shameful nakedness; and salve to put on your eyes, so you can see Revelation 3:18
It is expensive to shift. The cost will be different for different people. It may be your lifestyle, relationships, finances, or image and reputation. However, there is great grace and favor to shift with me and to choose to walk in the revelation of me this year.
The Spirit of the Lord says, I will be revealed through the expression of my body in the earth. 2025 will be marked by a restructuring of the body of Christ.
The Lord says, I am building my church, and I am raising up Ezra apostles and prophets who carry the blueprints of the new within them. These apostles and prophets have been through deep pruning seasons over the past 7 years, and I am bringing them out of pruning into fruitfulness and mobilizing them in 2025. The time for simply receiving blueprints and heralding change has ended. It is time to build. These apostles and prophets, along with teachers, shepherds, and evangelists are essential to the functional building of my body. This is a clarion call to the five-fold to not remain silent, for accurate building will not occur without your voice.
The Lord says, as you choose to shed tradition and embrace me, my church will take the form of union with my Spirit and be transformed into my image. The restructuring of my body will emerge as presence-centered communities that are marked by the supremacy of Jesus and the full expression of my Spirit in their midst. As you walk in union with me, my body will come into maturity. The Lord says, 2025 is a year of the revealing of the mature sons of God, who move in great power and authority.
The Lord says, I am calling my harvesters in this season for the results of my mature body will lead to dynamic evangelism and growth. The Lord says, my fields have been prepared, waiting for a time of great harvest. Seeds that have been sown in tears in past decades will rapidly sprout and bloom, and many hearts will suddenly be turned to me. The Lord says, my church will grow as people are attracted to the expression of my mature body in the earth. This is a year of Zechariah 8:23
This is what the Lord Almighty says: “In those days ten people from all languages and nations will take firm hold of one Jew by the hem of his robe and say, ‘Let us go with you, because we have heard that God is with you.’”